Wavefront alignments and the Myers edit distance algorithm
This is post explores the basis for the wavefront alignment algorithm, a 2020 paper that finds the alignment between two sequences \(A\) and \(B\) in \(O((|A| + |B|)s)\), where \(s\) is the alignment “distance”. We are using “distance” instead of “score” because these algorithms only make sense when the match score is 0 and the mismatch, indel and possibly gap-open scores are non-negative.
Instead of exploring the generalized version, in this post we will discuss the algorithm introduced by Prof. Gene Myers in 1986. Besides being the foundation of the wavefront alignment, this algorithm is also the basis of the diff
tool in Linux, used to find the differences between two files. I think this says volumes about the algorithm’s relevance. Personally I can only dream of writing an algorithm that will be adopted by a GNU tool.
Many fields in computational biology revolve around finding similarities and differences between extremely large sequences. In most cases, these differences are formalized through approximate string matching problem formulations. Local and global alignments are ubiquitous, so a lot of interest exists in creating efficient implementations of alignment algorithms.
The Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman alignment algorithms are the only ones guaranteed to find optimal global and local alignment, respectively, of sequences \(A\) and \(B\) for arbitrary scoring schemes. They are also \(\Theta(|A| |B|)\), meaning that, whether \(A\) and \(B\) are very similar or very different, the number of operations is the same: We have to fill out the entire traceback matrix to find our answer, either as the score at the bottom-right element in the matrix (global alignment) or the maximum element in the matrix (local alignment).
In most applications in molecular biology, however, we only reach the point of aligning two sequences when there is already some evidence that the two sequences are likely to be similar. This is either because we have prior knowledge of their similarity or because, prior to comparison, we “filtered” a set of candidate sequences for which there is some evidence of similarity. For example, in sequence database search algorithms such as BLAST or Kraken, we use smaller subsequence in our query (called “seeds”) and only fully compare our sequence to “hits” in the database that match the selected subsequence exactly. This means that the hits already have, by definition, a significant similarity to the sequence. The same procedure of “seeding” is done to map short sequences to a reference genome in mapping algorithms like minimap2, abismal and literally every other mapping tool ever written in the last 5 years or so.
For both the purposes of database search and read mapping (which in some sense is also a database search), we want two types of alignment functions. The first type is a “fast” function that only computes the alignment score and nothing else. We want these to perform as fast as possible, and it is in our interest to minimize the number of operations to obtain the score, after all we are only interested in whichever sequence attains the highest score until we actually have to report how the query and the best matching sequence differ. The second “slow” function computes both the score and the exact operations (substitutions, insertions and deletions) that are necessary to transform our query to our best match. This information is used downstream to study how they differ, but we only call this function to the highest scoring candidate among all our hits.
It is very easy to verify (see appendix) that most of the run time for read mapping algorithms is spent on alignment algorithms to fully compare reads to hits (about 60-65% of the time from the mappers we tested). In fact, we can even see that the most time-consuming step are alignments that do not compute the traceback, in other words, the false-positive alignments. We will therefore focus on alignment algorithms that perform well for highly similar sequences. We will begin with what is possibly the simplest form of alignment of all: the edit distance.
Edit distance problem formulation
The edit distance \(D(A, B)\) between strings \(A\) and \(B\) is the number of substitutions, deletions and insertions of characters in \(A\) to make it identical to \(B\). Obviously edit distance is a symmetric, that is, \(D(A,B) = D(B,A)\). In fact, edit distance is a metric (can you think of a proof for the triangle inequality?). Similar to alignments, edit distances can be computed in \(O(|A| |B|)\) time. Let \(A = a_1, \dots a_m\) and \(B = b_1, \dots, b_n\) be two strings and for string \(S\), \(S[i]\) denote the prefix of \(S\) with the first \(i\) characters, with \(S[0]\) being the empty string, then the edit distance \(D[i, j]\) of prefix \(A[i]\) with prefix \(B[j]\) is given by \(D[i, 0] = i\), \(D[0, j] = j\) and \(D[i, j] = D[i - 1, j - 1]\) if \(A[i] = B[j]\), or \(D[i, j] = 1 + \mathrm{min}(D[i - 1, j - 1], D[i - 1, j], D[i, j-1])\) otherwise. Those who have seen the Smith-Waterman recursion should find this recursion familiar, with the exception that we always use \(D[i-1, j-1]\) if there is a match, but sometimes we also take diagonals for substitutions of characters.
A quick note on our definition of edit distance: In the next section we will describe an algorithm to compute edit distance based on the paper by Prof. Gene Myers. In the original 1986 formulation, he described that the longest common subsequence and the shortest edit distance are dual problems. This is only true if the only possible you allow are insertions and deletions. Here we are also considering substitutions to be a single edit, which makes our upcoming description of the algorithm a bit different to his. For example, Myers would consider the edit distance of strings ABA
and AAA
to be 2 (delete B
and insert A
), whereas we consider it to be 1 (substitute B
with A
The Myers algorithm for edit distance calculation
If we are simply interested in the edit distance between \(A\) and \(B\), we only care about the value \(D[m, n]\). In the recursion above, note that we always take the diagonal when \(A[i] = B[j]\). In other words, the traceback of \(D[m, n]\) is composed of vertical lines, horizontal lines, and a series of diagonals where there are huge runs of matches between substrings of \(A\) and \(B\). We can take advantage of these large diagonals if we rethink the edit distance problem appropriately.
From the Myers paper:
“In practical situations, it is usually the parameter \(d\) that is small. Programmers wish to know how they have altered a text file. Biologists wish to know how one DNA stand has mutated into another.”
The idea of the Myers algorithm is to take advantage of these runs of diagonals by parametrizing the problem not by the prefix of the two strings, but by the diagonals of the edit distance matrix \(D\). First, we denote \(m + n - 1\) diagonals of the matrix by how far off they are from the main diagonal, so \(k = 0\) is the main diagonal, \(k = 1\) is one diagonal below the main, and \(k = -1\) is one diagonal to the right of the main. In other words, the cells in diagonal \(k\) are the cells \((x, y)\) where \(x - y = k\).
We will show that, with this parametrization, we can find the edit distance of \(A\) and \(B\) in \(\Theta((m + n) d)\), where \(m\) is the length of \(A\), \(n\) is the length of \(B\) and \(d\) is the edit distance between \(A\) and \(B\). This is much faster than the traditional \(\Theta (mn)\) when \(A\) and \(B\) are expected to be similar, and not asymptotically different when that is the case since \(d \leq \mathrm{max}(m, n)\) when substitutions only count as one edit and \(d \leq m + n\) when we only allow insertions and deletions (the Myers definition).
The furthest-reaching point of diagonals
For diagonal \(k\), let \(V[d, k]\) be the furthest reaching point from the origin of diagonal \(k\) when we are allowed \(d\) non-diagonal changes (e.g. only insertions and deletions). In other words, \(V\) is a pair of coordinates \((x, y)\) where \(x\) (or \(y\)) is maximum and \((x, y)\) can be reached from \((k, 0)\) (if \(k \geq 0)\) or \((0, -k)\) (if \(k < 0\)) with \(d\) edits. Then the edit distance of \(A\) and \(B\) is the minimum value of \(d\) for which \(V[d, k] = (m, n)\) for some \(k\).
The key idea for the algorithm is that, for any diagonal the furthest reaching point with \(d\) edits can be constructed easily from the furthest reaching points with \(d - 1\) edits. First, if \(d = 0\), \(V[0, k]\) is found by the largest series of matches between either the suffix of \(A\) starting at \(k\) and \(B\) or the suffix of \(B\) starting at \(k\) and \(A\) (depending on the sign of \(k\)). For \(d > 0\), we can proceed as follows. Start with the furthest reaching points of \(V[d-1, k-1]\), \(V[d-1, k]\) and \(V[d-1, k+1]\), both of which are one cell away from the diagonal \(k\). Then we have a starting point at \(k\) either by going one cell to the left, one cell down, or one diagonal cell from these two points, since these will increment one extra edit to get to diagonal \(k\). Pick whichever of the two is furthest in diagonal \(k\) to the origin, then go down diagonal \(k\) on the series of matches between \(A\) and \(B\) until the first mismatch is found. When we find the point \((m, n)\) as the furthest reaching point for some pair \((d, k)\), the edit distance is \(d\).
The algorithm takes \(O((m+n)d)\) time and, if we are only interested in \(d\), it takes \(O(m+n)\) space. For \(0 \leq d' \leq d\) (i.e. all possible edit distances until our answer), we compute the furthest reaching point when we are allowed \(d'\) edits. When \(d' = d\), we reach the endpoint \((m, n)\) and stop.
A short implementation of the algorithm
Here is a C++ program that computes the edit distance between two strings passed on two lines of STDIN. The edit_distance
function implemented below also takes a third parameter MAX_D
, and stops trying to compute the edit distance if the answer goes above MAX_D
. This has useful applications in the problems we stated above. For example, in read mapping, we will compare read to many sequences in the reference genome to which we are mapping the reads. In the seeding step, many of the retrieved sequences are false positives, and we want to stop comparing as soon as we realize that we will not get a satisfactory answer. This is normally done by setting a maximum acceptable number of edits, which we can use to accelerate our comparison.
A quick note about this code, which is easier to visualize with pen and paper: Suppose you are at diagonal k
and your horizontal offset to the start of the diagonal is x
. If you go one cell below to diagonal k+1
your horizontal offset to this new diagonal is x+1
. However, if you go one cell to the right to diagonal k-1
, your offset at this new diagonal will still be x
. Finally, if you go diagonally at diagonal k
, you are still at diagonal k
, but your horizontal offset is now x+1
. This is the rational for lines 30 to 38 in the code below. The last thing to mention is that we do not need to keep a pair (x, y)
as the furthest reaching point for diagonal k
. If we know x
, then y = x - k
, so everything is parametrized by the horizontal offset x
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
// we can use std::max from algorithm too, but this is faster
inline uint32_t
max32(const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b) { return (a>b) ? a: b; }
// edit distance function that stop if the distance is > MAX_D
edit_distance(const string &a, const string &b, const uint32_t MAX_D) {
const uint32_t n = a.size();
const uint32_t m = b.size();
vector<uint32_t> V(2*MAX_D + 1, 0);
vector<uint32_t> Vp(2*MAX_D + 1, 0);
int32_t k = 0;
uint32_t x = 0, y = 0;
for (int32_t D = 0; D <= static_cast<int32_t>(MAX_D); ++D) {
for (k = -D; k <= D; ++k) {
// from the diagonal: increment one position
x = (D == 0) ? 0 : Vp[MAX_D + k] + 1;
// from above: we are also one point farther from
// the diagonal above us when we move one position down
x = (k == -D) ? x : max32(x, Vp[MAX_D + k - 1] + 1);
// from the left: we are at the same diagonal position
x = (k == D) ? x : max32(x, Vp[MAX_D + k + 1]);
// extend the reaching point with run of matches
for (y = x - k; x < n && y < m && a[x] == b[y]; ++x, ++y);
if (x == n && y == m) return D;
V[MAX_D + k] = x;
// copies the 2*D answers we found to use it in the next iteration
if (D != static_cast<int32_t>(MAX_D))
copy(begin(V) + MAX_D - D, begin(V) + MAX_D + D + 1, begin(Vp) + MAX_D - D);
// edit distance > MAX, reject comparison.
return MAX_D + 1;
// general-purpose edit distance. If MAX_D not defined, then
// we use the maximum, which is |A| + |B|
uint32_t edit_distance(const string &a, const string &b) {
return edit_distance(a.size() > b.size() ? a : b,
a.size() > b.size() ? b: a,
max32(a.size(), b.size()));
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
string a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
cout << "edit distance: " << edit_distance(a, b) << endl;
Benchmarking the algorithm
I ran the edit distance calculation to find the difference between the human chromosome X in the human genome versions 37 (hg19) and 38 (hg38). For simplicity, I compared the first 1M characters of the two assemblies, then the first 10M characters. I also removed all Ns from both assemblies and converted letters to uppercase prior to comparison.
This is the result for the first 1M characters:
$ /usr/bin/time -v ./wavefront <in-1m.txt
edit distance: 101430
Command being timed: "./wavefront"
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:55.59
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 36512
Exit status: 0
And this is the result for the first 10M characters:
$ /usr/bin/time -v ./wavefront <in-10m.txt
edit distance: 285326
Command being timed: "./wavefront"
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 7:55.84
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 335364
Exit status: 0
The difference is a bit steep. We have 10% on the first 1M characters then less than 3% for 1M characters. Let us do 40M characters now!
edit distance: 330050
Command being timed: "./wavefront"
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 10:53.26
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 1331500
Exit status: 0
Looks like it’s less than 1% now! The more we compare, the more similar they become (though the number of edits is still increasing, which is encouraging to confirm that the algorithm is working).
Do note that 40M reads would require \(\approx 10^{15}\) operations in the traditional edit distance algorithm proposed in the start of this post, so we made good progress for similar sequences apparently :)
In the next post we will extend this idea of “furthest reaching point” to affine local alignments to fully describe and implement the beautiful algorithm shown by Marco-Sola and colleagues!
Appendix: The time mappers spend aligning reads
To measure the alignment time, I took one million reads in a FASTQ file and ran both minimap2 and abismal to map them to hg38
(it doesn’t matter much how much error reads have, as long as it’s uniformly sampled from the genome). Using perf record <command>
, we can store the time spent on each function in the program on a summary file, then the perf report
reads the file and sorts the program functions by time spent, finally summarizes it to us on screen. It is an amazing profiling tool!
For minimap2
, here is the result:
For abismal
, here is the result:
- In
, we can see that 36.86% of the time is spent at functionksw_extd2_sse41
. This is the beautiful SSE implementation of Smith-Waterman in the mapper, which we will cover in more detail in another post. - In
we have 33.67% of the time onprocess_seeds
and 16.32% of the time onAbismalAlign
. Theprocess_seeds
step compares reads to hits using only Hamming distance, and theAbismalAlign::align<false>
function is the banded Smith-Waterman algorithm (the “false” in the template means to only calculate score, not traceback/CIGAR string).
In both cases, we can see that the bulk of time is not in collecting seeds, finding them in the genome, ecoding or any other secondary operation. Instead, the alignment itself comprises the majority of the mapping effort, which greatly motivates fast implementations of the algorithms we have available today.